We inform you that has been published, under number 56, the BOE of March 6, 2019. which approves form 586 “Recapitulative declaration of operations with fluorinated greenhouse gases”, and establishes the form and procedure for its presentation, and which replaces the one in force until now.
The purpose of this amendment is to include in the annual recapitulative statement the following in the annual recapitulative statement all operations of acquisition, importation, intra-community acquisition, sale or delivery or self-consumption of fluorinated greenhouse gases that, during the calendar year to which the declaration refers, are carried out by manufacturers, importers, intra-community purchasers, resellers or waste managers, whether they are subject, not subject or exempt with the nuance of the error in the wording of Annex 1 paragraph 6 First sale or delivery, Self-consumption (type of operation) being correct the instructions of Annex 2.