
Our team is the greatest of our values to achieve the company’s objectives, always encouraging teamwork, trust, respect and honesty.

We have a multicultural team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, motivated by the pursuit of excellence in everything we do, having as a starting point the demands of our customers.

The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of each individual.

Vince Lombardi

Part of our team

Izan Yagüez

Marketing & Communications Manager

Toni Jimenez

Purchasing Manager

Erwin Gonzalez

GS Mexico Sales Manager

Felix Girones

CFO - Chief Financial Officer

Antonio de Olañeta

Commercial Technician

Óscar Santos

Expeditions Manager

Rafael Cudero

Madrid Plant Manager

Guillermo Gonzalez

Sales Engineer

Maria Manzano

Laboratory Manager

Eric Cassauba-Tircazot

Export Manager

Joan Vinyals

Technical Manager

Victor Castillo

Commercial Technician

José Manuel Ruiz

Plant Manager GS Zaragoza

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