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Gas Servei participates in a technical talk on the new A2L Safety Regulation for Refrigeration and Refrigerant Installations.

On November 21 was held in Zaragoza a technical conference organized by Atecyr Aragon and Asofrío on the new ‘Safety Regulation of Refrigeration and Refrigerant A2L’ and we had the pleasure of sponsoring it. Our Technical Manager and Product Manager, Guillermo González, participated in this interesting day in which the implications of the regulation and its 21 complementary technical instructions were explained to the participants.

The Regulation published last October 24, in summary, explains the conditions that this equipment must meet to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment.

It includes the content of the UNE-EN 378 Standard, classifying refrigerants into 3 groups (L1, L2 and L3) and 8 safety classes (A1, A2L, A2, B1, B2L, B2, A3 and B3), introducing the A2L class and eliminating formalities, a much awaited fact in the refrigeration sector since it multiplies the possibilities of using refrigerants with low GWP.

You can consult the complete Regulations in our “library” section or by clicking here.

Gas Servei would like to thank Atecyr Aragón and Asofrío for organizing this event.

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