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Fluorinated gases worth €10,000,000 seized in one week in the EU

Between September 20 and 25, Europol participated in a Joint Inspection Week against the illegal trafficking of fluorinated gases, during which the following were seized 2,105 bottles of these greenhouse gases, representing the equivalent of 142,288 tons of CO2 and an estimated value of more than ten million euros.

Led by the Netherlands, the actions involved 16 countries, including Spain, as well as the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). The inspections focused on the identification of possible illicit imports of F-gases into the European Union, the detection of illicit F-gases marketed in the EU and their importers. The systematic exchange of operational information and intelligence between law enforcement, customs and market surveillance authorities made it possible to identify hot spots and targets.

During the days of the operation, a total of 1,682 inspections were carried out, detecting 706 administrative infractions and 28 criminal infractions, and 7 arrests were made.

It is worth reminding our readers that EU regulations on fluorinated gases since 2014 include measures to phase out consumption and production by 79% by 2030, with the aim of moving towards more climate-friendly technologies, technologies that, on the other hand, Gas Servei has been offering to its customers for many years.

Law enforcement agencies, customs authorities and F-Gas inspection services have intensified their efforts to combat this developing illicit trade. However, at Gas Servei we continue to urge the authorities to redouble customs controls, as this is the most effective way to put an end to this scourge once and for all.

Europol will continue to analyze the information gathered during the inspections to support countries in follow-up investigations and provide them with more information on the criminal landscape of this illegal trade in the European Union.

Source: various industry media and own elaboration.

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