Process prior to painting bottles to remove the previous coat of paint. This process is carried out in a bottle sanding machine with a steel-tip brush. The sanding process is essential for a good grip of the paint and an optimum finish quality.


Bottle painting service to adapt them to MMPP road transport regulations. The painting of bottles can be: bottles for pure gas (blue and green warhead), flammable (blue and red warhead), recovery (gray and yellow warhead) and transfer (yellow).

Hydraulic testing (PH) and retiming

According to current regulations (RD 2060/2008 and ADR in force), all cylinders must be hydraulically tested periodically in order to check if they still maintain their integrity and resistance to their bell pressure. Once the test has been carried out and the resistance of the bottle has been checked, the date will be retimbrado.

Gas Servei offers you an extensive range of products for HVAC&R and AUTO A/C

Destruction of containers

Bottles that do not pass the hydraulic test, that are more than 30 years old, that show serious deficiencies on the outside: knocks, scratches with metal denaturation, bad handling (e.g. blowtorch marks), deformation due to overfilling, rust, etc. are not suitable for reuse and must be sent for destruction (with destruction certificate).


Cylinders with a defective or excessively old valve will be replaced by one in accordance with the characteristics of the gas and the cylinder itself. The valve is also replaced if the type of gas to be contained in the cylinder is changed.


The cylinders used to transport gas coming from an installation (gas to destroy or regenerate) usually contain compressor oil inside, so it is essential to clean and vacuum the oil.

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